What is SERP Competition Score

Last modified: 24.11.2020
Estimated reading time: 1 min

The SERP competition score metric is in the SERP Competition miner, which is in the section of Keyword Miners. The purpose of this metric is to estimate the organic competitiveness of query in Google search results, based on available data.

How is it calculated?

Its calculation is based on the following given factors:

  • Number of the titles highlighted from the first 100 search results
  • Number of snippets highlighted from the first 100 search results
  • Domain authority in search results
  • Number of characters and words in a query entered by the user

The competitiveness of a query is calculated based on the above stated facts. The higher the number the more difficult it is to get to the top positions in the organic search results.

What is its range

There isn’t a ceiling on SERP Competition Score. The higher the score, the more difficult it is to get to the top positions in the organic search results.

Where you can use SERP competition metric:

  • Keyword analysis
  • Prioritization in creation of new content
  • Prioritization of linkbuilder activities
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